
It’s been a while since I have posted!  I have to say that even though I love to write in my journal and write songs, blogging takes a little more effort!  Yes, I’m still a pen to paper girl even in this day and age!
The first 3 years of marriage have been a wonderful adventure! We have settled into our married life together and have been living in a season of contentment.  It’s been cosy, it’s been a blessing, and we have loved hosting lots of different people in our home! We have really enjoyed being able to spend time with our families and friends, and also had some fantastic opportunities to share our story with others.Josh has been working in a local factory and has turned his computer hobby into building websites and doing digital marketing for local businesses. I really love this guy! I have witnessed a very kind, generous, servant hearted and hard working soul in these first few years. I’ve learnt a lot from my husband and so blessed to do life with him!  I’ve enjoyed support working in hostels and doing youth work. I’ve met some lovely young people through the local health transition team and have been so encouraged to watch them grow and share in a small part of their journey. I’ve also had the privilege of working with some wonderful people to create my first album ‘Morning Star’. The beauty of this album is that it wasn’t made with the church in mind! There is plenty of worship music available for the church which I love! But this album was recorded for anyone and everyone! It’s to play in the car, at country parties, in the pubs and clubs, in coffee houses, on radio stations and of course churches who understand the heart behind my work 🙂 I got saved on a dark night, on my way to a night club in the middle of the cinema! Jesus met me there, touched my heart and changed my life.  He met me where I was at and for this reason I will always be thankful! It’s my prayer that each album will inspire you in your own life and even bring you closer to the truth of the wonderful life you can have through knowing God!
We’ve been very blessed to serve with Randall Morgan the past few years. This is a follower of Jesus who understands what it is to love your neighbour, to laugh and live in fullness of Joy! It’s been a blast sharing Jesus and loving people from different nations at country music festivals, church events and Randall’s annual festival SOZO.
In my earlier posts you’ll see our trip to Serbia where we served leading the youth group.  We had an amazing time and were ecstatic when we got invited to Budapest SOZO festival! However, after we’d booked our flights SOZO festival was postponed until next year, so we ended up doing a bir of sight seeing and visiting YWAM.  Youth With A Mission is a wonderful movement of Christians all over the world who wish to know God and make him known through various kinds of projects. It was confirmed to us about joining YWAM DTS while we in Budapest and we had encounter after encounter which confirmed to us about going. I remember praying about this first and thinking ‘If Josh decides to go it will be real confirmation’. Josh would tell you himself, he’s quite organised when it comes to decisions and finances and he likes to know everything is in place before we do things! With my crazy, impulsive and creative personality we tend to balance each other out! We had a tick list whilst in Budapest of all the obstacles and reasons we might not go, but every single one was ticked in favour of going! During our time in Budapest I watched my husband light up like a Christmas tree! The moment he told me he was going to hand in his work notice and was prepared to go in September to start a DTS course, I knew God was leading us into a new season! It’s all happened very quickly and we have peace about the decision.
With the remains of our home in a suitcase we fly out on the 9th of September. We will spend 3 months in Budapest and 3 months at an outreach in either Serbia or India! We’ve really enjoyed the first three years of marriage here and it’s been lovely to share it with family and friends who I know we are going to miss! We’ve been so blessed by our church family Hope CC and going to miss people very much but we plan to visit our family and friends once the course finishes in February and then who knows what….
We would really appreciate your prayers during this time and will keep updated in this blog. Also, we do have a fundraiser which you can go to for more info….

Since I chose to follow Jesus and give my life to Him almost 10 years ago, it has been the most amazing journey! To have this relationship with God my Father and live in His love was always meant to be! It’s what we were created for 🙂

God Bless you in your own journey,

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